Some of the recipients I consider to be close friends, others more on the periphery, and some, strangers. Some are past loves, others, estranged family members. Artists and authors I have never met. Friends from childhood, counselors, and teachers.
This is not meant to be awkward. This is meant to be sincere. And honest. If anything, the letter might make a nice bookmark.
I consider the postal project my life's acknowledgements.
This project started July 8, 2011.
Some of the recipients I consider to be close friends, others more on the periphery, and some, strangers. Some are past loves, others, estranged family members. Artists and authors I have never met. Friends from childhood, counselors, and teachers.
This is not meant to be awkward. This is meant to be sincere. And honest. If anything, the letter might make a nice bookmark.
I consider the postal project my life's acknowledgements.
This project started July 8, 2011.
materials: found paper, ink, stamps, oil pastels, and thread
In 2011, the 52 Project was created by Chrissy Deiger and Brian Ralph Short as a venue for artists to speak to each other; to make things that would not have occurred otherwise occur; to mix media so that it melts, stumbles, smolders, erupts; to both interrupt and prolong the creative process; to enjoy the multitude of ways we have to communicate with each other, to make meaning, to insist and react and be still.
Every week for one year, an artist posted something new to the 52 Project. They were counseled (gently) to respond to the previous week’s piece: Some of the pieces may be reactions, some may be more direct interpretations, some may seem so loosely connected as to seem, basically, no more related than a duck is to a platypus, but trust us, it’s there.
Browse the project. Be surprised by the individual pieces and by the ongoing dialogue, the whole how-did-we-get-here experiment of the project. We promise beauty, humor, joy, distraction, surprise, big and small issues rendered in big and small ways, and a plurality of exceptional and singular voices.